Certificaciones de Calidad

IATF - 16949 (2018)

Maintaining the Quality Management System.

ISO14001 SA-CER366120

ISO 14001 (2004)

Certification of Environmental Management System applicable to the activities of the manufacture and sale of molded polyurethane products for automotive and industrial use.

ASES (Alliance Supplier Evaluation Standard, Sofasa – Renault)

Audit of Quality Assurance System Providers.

AVES (Alliance Evaluation Standard, Sofasa – Renault)

Quality level of zero defects for parts delivered.

MMOG (Materials Management Operations Guidelines/ Logistics Evaluation, Sofasa - Renault)

Evaluation of the logistics operation from suppliers.

PCPA (Process Control Plan Audit, General Motors)

Quality audit focused on quality processes.

BIQS (Built in Quality Supplier, General Motors)

Quality audit focused on the maintenance of the Quality System.

Certificado Buenas Prácticas de Innovación (2017)

Otorgado por la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá e Icontec.